Saturday, August 23, 2014

Thoughts on ALS

Yes I know there is a lot of controversy over ALS due to their methods of research. I also know many are getting tired of seeing it all over the place, but I have a few things I would like to share about it. No this blog is not directed at anyone in particular and it is not meant to incite anger, offense, or argumentation.  These are my views and I am not forcing nor trying to convince anyone to agree with me.  I simply want to share this man's story and encourage everyone to research this disease and the methods they are using to find the cure.

I have read about their research and while I am not a fan of embryonic stem cell research, and love babies with all my heart, and know that life begins at conception(which is fertilization), and I despise abortion with all my heart, I also realize that until abortion has been fully abolished, there will continue to be innocent lives being thrown away.  Yes I understand what I am about to say may be taken the wrong way and if you disagree with me that is your right, but please don't take it out of context.

If in fact embryonic stem cell research can contribute in a big way to finding solutions and cures to horrible diseases, then I think it should.  Why allow those babies to be murdered for no reason?  Until we, as a society realize the horrors of abortion, it won't end and they(babies) will have died without having a chance to make a difference in life.  I view it as an organ donor.  Yes I understand that organ donations are freely given and a choice for many and yes I understand these babies did not choose to die.  I am simply stating that since people have no moral obligation to stop aborting babies, then their lives should be used to save another. 

Please, please, please understand that my heart breaks for these innocent babies! I am not being cruel or insensitive.  Abortion ends a life that hasn't had a chance to develop, so why not use that life to save the life of someone who's body is deteriorating?  Why not use what others meant for evil, and turn it into good?  Let's face it, the battle against abortion is not going to end, at least in this life and not without God! And until we, as "Christians," step up and share the love of Jesus the way it was meant to be shared, and cease to call women, who choose abortion, "murderers" and other choice names, we will never see an end to it.

So in conclusion, support ALS medical research.  If your convictions about the embryonic research keeps you from doing so, then that is okay, but if any of what I have said makes sense to you and you feel that tug on your heart to donate to these people suffering, then by all means do it!  Life is precious, defenseless in the womb and defenseless on a bed unable to move or speak, it is worth defending and preserving.  So do both!  Fight to end abortion! Fight to find the solution to ALS!  It is possible to do both without it being a contradiction to your beliefs.

I hope I have made this point clear and that it does not cause confusion or offense!

Thank you for reading and God bless all who suffer from ALS!