Monday, August 20, 2012

Half Truths!

Romans 3:23
     for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

We are all familiar with this scripture.  We should be, simply because many, Christian and non-christian, like to spit this scripture in the face of those who are pointing out a sin in another; not to condemn or judge, but to inform with love and kindness.  This scripture has been jammed down the throats of so many in a, "you sin and fall short of God's glory, so don't talk to me about my sin," kind of attitude.  This scripture is a true statement, but it is becoming a half truth.

Now, a half truth is defined as a deceptive statement that includes some element of truth.  You may think, is she saying this scripture is deceptive?  I will explain why that is not what I am saying.  Romans 3:23 is not deceptive, however the use of it, the way many people phrase it and use it, is the deception.

They are only giving part of the truth.  Yes we all have sinned[Grk. hamartanō to miss the mark, to err, be mistaken, miss/wander from the path of uprightness and honor, to do or go wrong, to wander form the law of God, violate God's law] and fall short[Grk. hystereō come short; fail; want; lack; devoid of; be inferior in excellence/worth] of the glory[Grk. doxa opinion, judgment, view, majesty: belonging to God, the kingly majesty which belongs to him as supreme ruler, majesty in the sense of the absolute perfection of the deity] of God[Grk. theos Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit].

However, I and possibly many, rarely hear someone quote the scripture that follows (vs. 24):
      But they are justified[dikaioō declared righteous Grk "being justified"] freely by his[God's] grace[Grk. eleeo el-eh-eh'-o to be compassionate (by word or deed, especially, by divine grace):--have compassion (pity on), have (obtain, receive, show) mercy (on)] through the redemption[antilutron an-til'-oo-tron  a redemption-price:--ransom; apolutrosis ap-ol-oo'-tro-sis(the act) ransom in full, deliverance, redemption] that is in Christ Jesus.

I love the Greek definition of justified in this passage.  Its usage is that we are "being justified."  We are being made right!  We are being perfected by grace through Christ! It is a process! Yes, I slip up.  I will make mistakes! But God!  Don't you love the "but God"s in life?! But God is making me new everyday!  Working in me! Molding me to be who I am supposed to be in Christ!  He is perfecting me! Not that I am perfected, but I am being perfected!  To be perfected (not perfect) we must give our lives as a sacrifice to God!  When we give God all of us, then He can make us and mold into who He desires us to be, but we must be willing!

So why would I not want this for others?  Why would I keep my mouth shut about what God is doing in me and not want others to know they can experience this too?!

I am not ignorant of my slip ups and mistakes.  I simply choose not to dwell on them!  

One other thing.  When a mistake has been done in the past, don't keep bringing it up!  God has already, if asked, forgiven and forgotten it, and if I have been forgiven of  it and have turned away from it and am no longer making that mistake, then do not keep spitting it back in my face.  This goes especially for all believers.  If someone has done something in the past and you know they are no longer doing it, don't bring it up!  But if they are struggling with it presently, don't condemn them! Encourage them! Show them that Christ loves them and doesn't expect them to be perfect in order to come to know him!  

This might be a shocker to the religious crowd, but NEWS FLASH: God can't perfect you if you are already perfect in your eyes!  He doesn't expect people to walk into church with ZERO problems!  We all have problems! That is what the church is supposed to be for!  To reach out to the poor, the sick, the hurting, the addict, the prostitute, the homosexual, the single mom struggling to get by!  These people are already hurting!  Don't keep spitting in their face saying "clean yourself up, then you can come to church!"  This is sinful! This is why so many don't want to go to church, because they think they have to be sinless to be accepted by God!  No!  You accept God, then He works in you: cleansing you of all unrighteousness!  Change is required, but it doesn't happen over night or at the alter one Sunday morning.  It is a life changing process!

But don't be discouraged! 

Philippians 4:13 I am able to do(can do) all things(this includes living a sinless life) through the one(Christ Jesus) who strengthens me.

[Bold bracketed] info:,

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